A Broadcast Liturgy Among The Regular Features Of The B.b.c.
daily pro- grammes the Daily Service holds a firmly established place. It appeals particularly to inmates of 'hospitals and invalids elsewhere, but there are many others who......
The Fight Against Cancer • The Award Made By The
- International Congress on Cancer of a prize of 1850, and (what is more important) 50 milligrammes of radium, to Professors Kennaway and Cook, of the Royale Cancer Hospital in......
The Nation And Its Leader The Conservative Conference At...
takes place too late for comment here this week. Despite the absence of the Conservative leader, Mr. Baldwin, the conference will be of unquestioned importance in demonstrating......
The Future Of Danzig The Announcement That Mr. Sean Lester,
the League High Commissioner at Danzig since 1933, will succeed M. Azcarate as one of the Under-Secretaries of the League would, in ordinary circumstances, have been received......
Portsmouth To Johannesburg Since Fortune Decrees That...
The Spectator should go to press an hour or two before the time when the winning machine in the air race to South Africa is expected to reach Johannesburg, congratulations to......
The South London Gas Dispute The Dispute Over The South
Metropolitan Gas Company's new tariff raises an important question of principle. If a certain class of consumer can only be supplied at a loss is it equitable that the loss......