The Price Of Democracy
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The Spectator's " News of the Week " remark that Communism is probably gaining ground in this country. The article entitled The Price of......
"magistrates And Motorists
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Your note on this subject seems to me very reasonable but there is one element in the matter which seams deserving of notice, viz., the......
- Some Questions On Spain
[To the Editor 'of THE SPECTATOR.] • SIR,--Some months ago, believing as so many of your recent correspondents have apparently also believed, that your journal would present a......
The Share-pushing Evil
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Snt,—The solution of this problem will require much hard thinking; but' it is doubtful if the suggestions put forward in the article in last......
Royalty And Militarism
[To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I would like to use your columns to protest against the abominable practice in cinemas of associating Royalty with militarism. We were......