On the 19th ult., at Stratford Green, Essex, Mrsill CHNAPE, of twin danItters, who
survived only a short time. On the 29th ult., at Tunbridge Wells, the Lady of Arerttun W. WARD„II:SEI.. of a son.
On the 29th ult., at Holloway. Mrs. TROSIAS It. Kemp, ofa son. On the 27th ult., at Warham Rectory, Norfolk, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. THOMAS Keeper,. 01A MM.
On the 29th ult., at Woburn Park. Sorry, the lion. Mrs. Locke K two, of a daughter. On the 10th ult., at Valletta, the Lady of Captain MANNERS, of the 591m Regiment. was barely delivered of a son. Oct the 26th ult., at Hastings L.xlge, the Lady of FREDERICK NORTH, FIN', or a daughter.
On the 19th ult., the Lily of Sir isstrs liremwria,, of Auellituleek, But., of a daughter. Ou time 2.'ith ult., at Edinburgh, the Lady ANNE CRUIRSII ARK, of a son.
On the 29th ult., at St. John's, Paddington. Major the 11100. ARTHUR CHARLKS Lr.our, second WU of the late Earl of Dartmouth, to emendate, fourth daughter of time
late James Charles Philip Bouwens, Esq., and granddaughter to the late Sir Richard Ryereft.
Out he 99th ult., at St George's. Hanover Square. EDWARD PARR ATT, Esq.. of Berke- ley Lodge, Sussex. to HENRIETTA CHRISTI AN•, daughter of the late Hugh Blaydes, Esq. of high Paull. Yorkshire. and late of Mauby Hall, Notts. On the slot ult.. at St. Margaret's Church. Westminster. B. HARWOOD Ketuv, Esq., Captain in the Royal Navy, grandson of the late Arthur Kelly, of Kelly, in the county of Devon, Esq.. to Many AWN, only child of Richard Price. of Highfields Lodge. Withyliam. Sussex. Esq., and of Duke Street. St. James's Park. On the 29th nit, at St. Peter's. Isle of Thane!, ROITERT CHARLES Fowzza, Esq., third son of the late Thomas Fowler, Esq., of Goatee Hall. Suffolk. to GEOROIANA, youngest daughter of the late George Gooch, Esq.. of Broadetairs, Kent. At Perth. Western Australia. RICHARD M'BRIDE BROWN, Esq.. TO ANNE ELIZABETH. only daughter of George Lemke, Esq., formerly of Mecslenhurgh Square, London. On the 3d of Joly, at St. George's. Bermuda. F. B. ARCHER. Esq.. Deputy-Assistant Commiesary.Geueral. to Louisa ALICE, daughter of /Eneas M'Goldrick, Esq., of that island. On the 16th nit., at Strathgarry. the Rev. GEOROE GORDON MILNE. M.A.. Episcopal clergyman. Cuper- Fife, to Er.izaerrti Ass, only daughter of the late Rev. Robert Kay, Perth, and niece of the late Cohan' Stewart of Strethgarry. On the 2•211 ult., at A rdroesan, J AMES A WM wt. M.D.. K.H.. Deputy Inspector-General of Army Hospitals, to Acmes. eldest daughter of the late John Craufurd, Esq., of Broaddeld.
On the 26th ult., the Right. Hon. Viscount BANOOR. On the 1st Inst., Sir COUTTO TROTTER, in his 70th year, one'of the partners In the Bank of touts and Co. On the 26th ult., in Highliury Park, Emma the Lady of H. W. Masterson, Esq. On the 99th ult.. HARRIET, daughter of the late MajorGeneral Henry Gladwin of Stubbing Court, Derhyahlre. On the 22d ult. at Broseley, Shropshire. in his 36th year. EDWARD CHARLTON. E.g. of Falcon Square. On the 29th ult., Mrs. SARAH SMITH, of the Mall, Chiswick, Middlesex, in her 116th year. On the 26th ult., at Kennington. in her 70th year, ELIZABETH, relict of the late Mr. James Henry Leffler. On the 30th ult., at Holloway, JOHN SIEVVR, Esq. in his 73,1 year.
On the 29th tilt., after a lonu and painful illness, which he bore with great fortitude
and resignation. ADAMSON P , Esq., of Langley. near Sheffield, in the county of York, In his 76th year. On the 27th ult., at Epsom, in his 81st year, THOMAS FITZGERALD, Esq., late Lieutenant Colonel in the Army. Ou the 16th ult., on board of one of her Majesty's cutters at Shetland, where be had gone on the business of the Church Commission, HENRY BAXTER, Esq., Idvies, Advocate. On the 30th ult., at his residence in Wyndham Place, Bryanstone Square, Roe VET GRAHAM, Esq., of the Admiralty, Somerset Place, eldest sou of Sir Robert Graham, Bart., in his 24th year.