2 SEPTEMBER 1837, page 15

A Visit To The Theatre At Richmond—a Debut There.

IT so happens, that never before Tuesday last had we been inside the Richmond Theatre ; which is a sort of aristocratic summer-house of Thespis ; boasting better performances......

A Young German Prince Lately Became Deeply Enamoured Of A

young actress of one of the minor theatres in Paris ; who, however, being as virtuous as she was beautiful, refused all his offers. In the infatuation of his passion, the......

The Ballot, The Ministers, And The People.

TO THE EIHTOK OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR—As an advocate of the Ballot, and of the vital importance of its adoption alike to the Government and the People, may I request you to insert......

How To Raise The Price Of Land.

IT is stated in a provincial newspaper, that a quarter of an acre of land, belonging to the Corporation of Monmouth, was sold last week for 1,500/., being at the rate of 6,000/.......

The Theatres.

MR. PHELPS, the tragedian of whom so much was expected, turns out to be an actor of the " respectable' and " useful " class ; a very efficient member of a company, but not......