Trinity Church, Ettingshall, Was Consecrated On Wednesday...
Bishop of Lichfield. The church, schools, and parsonage, have a most peculiar and picturesque effect. All three of the buildings are erected in a very unusual manner : being......
Two Fine Boys, Sons Of Mr. Bignell Of Ruislip, Near
Uxbridge, and an infant child of Temple, a market-gardener of the same place, were killed by lightning in the storm on Saturday. An inquest was held on the bodies of the two......
The Accounts From The Moors In The Counties Of...
and Durham represent the birds as small and rather weak on the wing, brit generally numerous. The weather has been generally favourable for shooting since the commencement of......
About 900 Objections Have Been Made By The Reform Party
to the names on the list of voters for the %Vest Riding of Yorkshire, in the Leeds polling. district ; and, from what we hear, we shwa suppe.e . much larger number of objections......
Egli= Races Commenced On Tuesday. The Weather Was Very Un-
favourable, and the company very thin. The attraction of Royalty, which for so many years brought fashion and numbers to the course at Egbarn, was wanting. In the meagre list of......