The amount subscribed to assist Mr. Brotherton to defend his
seat amounts to ,5,000/.-11fanchesfer Guardian.
We understand that a cautious investigation of the votes given at the late Lewes election has afforded such a clear prospect of success to
Mr. Brand, in the event of a scrutiny, that it has been determined to petition the House of Commons for a Committee.—Susscx Advediser.
An extraordinary report has got into circulation, that it is the been. don of Mr. Wilberforce and Sir Walter James to vacate their Feats by accepting the Chiltern Hundreds. Whether, however, such be the intention of these gentlemen or not, we can assure our readers that the Liberal scrutiny committee have no doubt that such a step would save their friends from some not very pleasant disclosures. We hope there is no truth in the rumour; and that we shall obtain one Liberal Re- presentative, if not two, without the turmoil of another election... Hull Rockingham.
A correspondent requests us to state what course is likely to he pursued with regard to Sir James Hamilton's return for Sudbury. lie have already stated all that is known on the subject, viz. that Sit James acknowledges himself bound in honour to vacate his seat on the petition of Mr. Smith. Whether the latter gentleman can take his place, must depend upon the electors, who have it in their power to defend the return of Sir James Hamilton. Should they do so, Sir James can only fulfil his engagement by accepting the Chiltern Hun- dreds, which will render another election necessary ; and it will then be in the power of the burgesses to return another Tory, which, lit their wrath at the spoiling of their market, may not be improbable.-- Bury Post.
The Operative Association at Wakefield resolved, at a meeting held last week, to present a piece of plate to their late Member, Mr. Gaskell. It was stated that Mr. Gaskell's expenses did not exceed 400/., while those of Mr. Lascelles were 5,000!.: one of his publican's bills ex- ceeded the entire outlay of Mr. Gaskell.