The Tories boast that they will still upset the election
for Rox- burghshire. According to the Berwick Warder- " Every necessary preparation is in progress for bringing before a Committee 'Idle House of Commons those outrageous proceedings at this election which Ime led to the temponuy return of the Minto candidate. Such a body of evi- dence is likely to be adduced as will not only unseat the usurper, but probably ilvolve Lord Minto and his par nobile fratrum along with the unworthy Ma- gid/ate of Hawick in a criminal prosecution. The Inquiry will be an ripen- aye one; but it has been very properly determined that no part of the expense shall fell on Mr. F. Scott—the loyal and independent electors justly regarding the cause as their own. A public subscription was set on foot at the dinner at Kele° on Friday night, and the subject was introduced at the Jedburgh dinner ea Tuesday. On both occasions, it was most enthusiastically entertained, and there has already been a large sum subscribed. There can be little doubt, A Pal liamentary inquiry would ex obit Tories, we opii.e, to quite aa great disadvantage as Whigs.] A rumour having been circulated that Mr. Wallace was about to 10.• sign his seat for Greenock, that gentleman has written to the Creswell Advertiser, stating that he has done nothing be is ashamed to repeat, and that therefore, on or about the 10th of October 1838, it is pro- bable he will again tender the annual resignation, which hitherto bin constituents have refused to accept.