Medelssohn Bartholdy, the celebrated composer, arrived in town from Germany
on Sunday last. He comes to conduct the perform- ance of his oratorio, St. Paul, at the approaching festival at Bir- mingham. The Quotidienne quotes from a correspondent in Italy the details of an accident which has lately befallen Rossini, and Messrs. Robert and Severini, directors of the Italian Opera-houses. They were upset in a carriage, and escaped with a few bruises ; with the exception of M. Robert, upon whom a fourth compagnon de voyage, larger than Lablache himself, fell, arid crushed his collar-bone.
John Reeve is getting better, and is now at Hastings. Little Keeley and:wife arrived at Liverpool on Sunday last, in the Shakspeare.
King's COIhge has rtceived a present from tbe Tank of Englend of 20,000,000 of Bank of England notes, reduced :o the size of a small hat, after being dextroyed by fire.