Sir William Molesworth is entertaining a party of friends, which
includes Mr. Leader and Mr. Charles Buller, at Penearrow.
The Leeds Mercury contradicts a very improbable story, that Sir William Molesworth would succeed Mr. Roebuck in the Canadian agency.
The Duke of Northumberland is sufficiently recovered to enjoy the sport of grouse shooting on his extensive moor in the neighbourhood of Alnwick, where much company is expected during the autumn.
Mr. Henry Thomas Hope has returned to Mansfield Street from a tour. Deepdene will be gay next month.
It is said that, owing to the influence of Sir Francis Burdett, the sum paid yearly to Lord Dudley Stuart by the late Dutchcss of St. Alban's, namely, 2,0001., will be continued.
The Legacy-duty, it is said, does not extend to sums exceeding a million, the framers of the tax never having contemplated bequests exceeding that amount ; owing to which omission, nearly one half of the enormous fortune left by the Dutchess to Miss Burdett will escape the payment of any duty.—Globe. [ We have been told, by a person who ought to have known the facts, that the amount of the property was always prodigiously overrated.] Miss Angela Burdett has, in compliance with the desire of the Duchess' taken the name of Couto : the change will be legally effected this week. The property is only bequeathed for life, in case of her having no son ; in which event, after the death of Miss Coutts, it will go to her eldest sister, who must likewise take her grandfather's name.