The Household appointments having been completed, were formally announced in the Gazette of Tuesday— Mistress of the Robes—The Dutehess of Sutherland.
Principal Lady of the Bedchamber—The Marchioness of Lansdowne.
Ladies of the Bedchamber—The Marchioness of Tavistock, the Countess of of Charlemont, the Countess of Mulgrave, the Lady Portman, the Lady Lyttelton, the Lady Barham, the Countess of Durham.
Maids of Honour—The Honourable Harriett Pitt, the Honourable Mar- garet Dillon, the Honourable Caroline Cocks, the Honourable Miss Cavendish, she Honourable Matilda Paget, Miss Murray, Miss Lister, Miss Spring Rice. Bedchamber Women—lrhe Lady Caroline Barrington, the Lady Harriet Clive, the Lady Charlotte Copley, the Viscountess Forbes, the Honourable MIN. Brand the Lady Gardner, the Honourable Mrs. G. Campbell.
Resident Woman of the Bedchamber—Miss Davys.
A report that Baron Stock mar had been appointed Private Secretary to the Queen, is contradicted by the Morning Chronicle.