Perhaps the beat specimen of the stuff on which the
German people are being fed in order to prove Great Britain the real enemy is to be found in the Lokalanzeiger of Thursday. An article, supposed to be semi-official, is there published reviewing the Franco-German negotiations and giving such a twist to every fact that Great Britain is made to appear as having maliciously intervened on every possible occasion in order to thwart Germany and trip up the negotia- tions. The Lokalanzeiger says, as we gather from the Times, that France had recognized that compensation must be paid to Germany, and that Germany had made it plain that she for her part desired no territory in Morocco ; and that then Great Britain interfered with " unfriendly speeches." The imagina- tive narrative goes on to relate that the French Press next committed indiscretions, and that Great Britain then de- nounced the pretensions of Germany, saying that she coveted the whole Congo.