[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIR,—During all the strike mania which is disturbing our social conditions it must be consoling to the community to feel there is one section of wage-earners who may be depended......
Ireland And Home Rule.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin, — Our community is to-day somewhat equally divided between those who fear we are about to have Home Rule and those who fear we are not.......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "]
SIR,—The most serious element in strikes such as we are now experiencing is the loss inflicted on the community generally and on individuals who are in no way parties to the......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator." J Sir,—not Long
ago there was an exchange of official courtesies between England and Russia. On this occasion the Labour Party in Parliament protested violently on the ground that the hands of......
Sir John Herschel On Constitutional Safe Guards.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TES "SPECTATOR. "] occurs to me as a reader of your able articles on the political crisis that the following words of a great thinker and mathematician may be......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sir,—in Your Article Of
August 26th, "Reflections on the Strike," and referring to the employment of the military you say, " The Liberals of Manchester talk as though an outrage had been committed on......