2 SEPTEMBER 1911, page 25
Ths Literary Pageant. Edited By Stanley Portal Hyatt. (t.
Werner Laurie. ls. net.)---Th is a volume of contributions, - -is literary and artistic, furnished by a very distinguished company of writers and masters of the brush and......
A Book Of Galloway. By Thomas Newbigging. (j. R. And
A. Kirkpatrick, Gatehouse-of-Fleet. Be. net.)—Mr. Crockett has made us all know something of Galloway and its people. We are better prepared, therefore, for the true story which......
Some Of Our Readers Doubtless Will Find A Speedy Use
for Nooks and Corners of Cornwall, by C. A. Dawson Scott (E. Nash, 2s. 6d. net), a handy book, easily transportable, full of infor- mation on the matters in which the......