2 SEPTEMBER 1911, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In his very interesting article Mr. Lang says that "we can only appeal to science for large collections of historical and experimental evidence as to birth-marks being the result of telepathic suggestion." Here, in the meantime, is Mrs. Gamp's evidence on the point :— " I knows a lady, which her name, I'll not deceive you, Mrs. Chuzzlewit, is Harris, her husband's brother bein' six foot three, and marked with a mad bull in Wellinton boots upon his left arm, on account of his precious mother havin' been worritted by one into a shoemaker's shop, when in a sitiwation which blessed is the man as has his quiver full of sech, as many times I've said to (lamp when words has roge betwixt us on account of the expense." (" Martin Chuzzlewit," chap. xlvi.)

That ought to settle it.—I am, Sir, &o., R. C. L.