Cordial messages which have been exchanged by the Russian Emperor
and the Emperor of Japan were published by the Times of Tuesday. These messages mark the end of the series of legal disputes which followed the Russo-Japanese War. The last dispute concerned the Russian ships Angara' and Orel,' which Japan had captured as lawful prizes, but which Russia said should have been exempt from capture as hospital ships. Japan had the judgment of the Courts on her side, but Russia felt that she was only upholding the necessary rights of the Red Cross. The solution is a compromise. The Emperor of Japan has handed over the 'Angara' as "evidence of his sentiments of unalterable friendship" for Russia, and the Russian Emperor has recognized in this "a fresh proof and a most potent pledge" of Japanese goodwill. The ' Orel' is to be delivered up to her former owners on the payment of 150,000 yen.