READABLE Novaas.—The Vagrant Bride. By Mrs. Coulson Kernahan. (Everett and
Co. 6s.)—The story of a fascinat- ing and irresponsible young lady who is descended from a gipsy. The account of how she has a little of her irresponsibility taken away by love is prettily told.—The Unselfishness of Susan. By Jessica Solomon. (Cope and Fenwick. 38. 6d.)—The un- selfishness of Susan consists in being the most disagreeable person on the face of the earth. The book, though clever, is rather dreary, and leaves all the characters at the end in rather a dismal condi- tion.—False Evidence. By E. Phillips Oppenheim. (Ward, Lock and Co. 6s.)—The account of the subsequent life of a gallant soldier convicted of cowardice by false evidence at a court-martial.