2 SEPTEMBER 1949, Page 16


SIR,—Janus, I am not surprised to see (in your issue of August 26th), does not care for inaccuracy of language. What, then, are we to think or Strix (in your issue of August 12th), who, in taking leave of the Spectator's Notebook and reintroducing his colleague Janus, returned to duty from a Continental holiday, refers to him as " back safely from . . . Europe"? I italicise the word Europe because it needs italicising. I have ceased - to be shocked when American friends refer to these islands as if they were not part of Europe ; I am ceasing to be amazed, but do not cease to be alarmed, when on every band I read English journalists, statesmen and, if my memory is right, even historians, who do the same thing.

How look at ourselves in relation to the world is of importance. Are we no longer historically, culturally and atomically Europeans ? Anyway, I beg to remain, Sir, your incorrigibly European servant,