2 SEPTEMBER 1949, page 30

Shorter Notices

A Beardsley Miscellany. Selected and Edited by R. A. Walker. (Bodley Head. 42s. Edition limited to 500 copies.) " SURELY this must be the last Beardsley book ? " Even his most......

Down The Thames. By Martin Briggs. (herbert Jenkins....

is an undistinguished but agreeable account of the river from its source near Kemble to Tilbury, with historical and descriptive comments on the towns and villages and other......

Finance And Investment

By CUSTOS IMPORTANT questions of principle affecting the whole investment community are raised in the terms of the capital repayment scheme proposed by the directors of the......

Birds In London

London's Birds. By R. S. R. Fitter. (Collins. 10s. 6d.) THERE is probably no place in the British Isles where a more systematic study of birds is made than in London, and Mr.......