2 SEPTEMBER 1949, page 2

Victory In Greece

A year ago the suggestion that this summer would see the Greek army firmly established along the frontiers of Albania and Yugo- slavia would have sounded absurdly optimistic.......

Belgrade And Moscow

Apart from its incredible length and its intolerable tone the further Note addressed by Moscow to Belgrade on Monday contains nothing new that is important and nothing important......

The Last Round In. China

In Canton, which offered virtually no opposition to the Japanese in 1938, discretion rather than valour seems once more to be the keynote as the, Communist armies close in from......

Trade Unions And Government

One significant fact about the Trades Union Congress which opens at Bridlington cxr Monday, perhaps the most significant, is that it is the last Congress before a General......

European Economy

, The strictly limited success of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, which has at last succeeded, after much delay and dispute, in agreeing on a division of......