"The earth bath bubbles as the water has, And these
are of them,"
is a quotation that might be aptly used by any one whksaw the two new farces at the Lyceum, A.S.S. and Fast Train, High Pressure, Express. The old gentleman, who having a daughter Sophia, and likewise a stock of wedding-articles marked with the letters "A,S.S.," will not let the former marry any one whoRp withl. riminintly with her own will not make up the existing mark, and the "fast" Yankee, wno 131111RE that a sudden passion for a young lady justifies him in knocking up her father before daybreak to ask her in marriage, are not even intended to repre- sent any prototypes in the actual world ; but they are amusing personages, although those very bubbles on which Banque reflected could not have been more slight than the spheres in which they move. They are dul- lards indeed who cannot be diverted by an ingenious absurdity, when it is evidently the offshoot of a clever man. The skeletons of both pieces are from the Palais Royal, but they have been clothed in thoroughly English flesh.