30 APRIL 1853, page 13

Civil Service Superannuation Fund.

MACIRTNEY Will prefer a very reasonable request to the House of Commons on Tuesday next ; but it would be quite as well if the matter were taken out of his hands by the......

Agency Die Master-key Of Parliamentary Corruption.

IN the present state of the law which regulates Parliamentary elections, those who have the most interest in the result, and who conduct the business with decorum and purity in......

"the Higgling Of The Marxet."

WE have always upheld the doctrine that freedom is the one coun- teractive to absolutism of authority, whether temporal or spiritual ; and however like a truism the maxim may......

Australian Postal Service.

THERE is no presumption in saying that the Postmaster-General does not understand the principle upon which depends the revenue of the department that he administers ; but the......