30 APRIL 1853, page 8


The vacancy at Carlow occasioned by the death of Colonel Bruen, has been filled by Captain Bunbury ; who, on Monday, was elected without opposition. Within the last month no......

T4t Lhotriutto.

At a public meeting in Lincoln, on Monday, it was resolved to bring forward two candidates for the Northern Division at the next election, and to establish a North Lincolnshire......

Intrigu Filth Taluttial.

FRANca.—Reports were freely circulated at the end of last week., that the Empress was in a delicate state of health. It was said that she had sustained serious injury from the......

At Alttininitig.

Lord Palmerston received at his residence in Carlton Gardens, on. Monday, a deputation of working men, accompanied by the Reverend S. T. Bayley, Secretary of the Lord's Day......