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At a public meeting in Lincoln, on Monday, it was resolved to bring forward two candidates for the Northern Division at the next election, and to establish a North Lincolnshire Liberal Association.
The leading grocers and dealers in Manchester met on Wednesday, and adopted a resolution, and a memorial to Mr. Gladstone, expressing their surprise at the proposed increase of the duty on licences, and declaring it unjust because it is to press on so few trades while others are exempt.
The provincial journals still report movements in all quarters for an advance of wages, coupled in some places with demands for fewer hours and other boons.
Shakspere's birthday, the 26th, was duly celebrated at Stratford-upon- Avon. Many " pilgrims " arrived in the town ; and in the evening Mr. Benjamin Webster presided over a dinner in the Town-hall.
The Bermingham Journal reports what seems to be a very hard case as respects two Itoman Catholic clergymen. Some years ago, a gentleman wished to endow a mission in Oxfordshire and for that purpose he trans- ferred eighty shares in the Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire Banking Company to the "Vicar Apostolic of the Midland District" and the "President of Oscott College" for the time being. The trust has de- volved on Dr. Ullathorne, the "Bishop of Birmingham," and Dr. Moore, President of Oscott. But two years ago the bank failed, with heavy liabilities. The two ecclesiastics' who never received a farthing for their own benefit, endeavoured to get rid of their liability by paying 10001., which they borrowed. But now a further claim has been made upon them for 38001. They pleaded that they could do no more than surrender their small personal property. This was declined ; and last week both the clergymen were arrested. They have no alternative but to pass through the Insolvent Court to free themselves from the responsibility they un- consciously incurred.
Sentences of death passed on four persons hask been commutid to transit portation : the cases are those of Honors Gibbons and Bridget Gerratty, con- victed at Chester of poisoning the child of the former, apparently to get burial-money from a club ; and William Terrell and Charles Williams, each convicted at Liverpool of a murder.
The Newport Magistrates have been investigating charges of forgery, em- bezzlement, and fraud, against Mr. Yelf, the actuary of the hie of Wight Savings-Bank. The deposits in the bank were upwards of 60,0001.; the de- falcations are more than 8000/. Yell was a distributor of stamps, had a large printing business, and was a Wesleyan _preacher : he was much respected. itis feared that little of his property will be obtained for the depositors as the Crown has put in an "extent in aid" for 1500/. for arrears in the stomp account, and there was an execution on the premises before this.