An exhibition of some 250 choice framed specimens, British and foreign, and numerous others unframed, has been opened at the Photographic In- stitution, New Bond Street, in connexion with Mr. Delamotte's studio for sun-pictures. About a third of the works, including several of rare perfection taken by Mr. Fenton, Mr. Owens, Mr. Ferrier, and others, and some of the early photographs on paper by Mr. Bingham, unsur- passed for brilliant sharpness even by the later examples with collodion or albumen, are reproduced from the late exhibition at the Society of Arts ; but many of not inferior excellence appear here for the first time. The subjects are almost wholly out-of-doors scenes, whether natural or architectural ; portraits and figures counting but as a very small minority. That the exhibition is an interesting and charming one follows as of course from the character and quality of its materials ; but we think it might have been advisable, in the institution devoted to this especial art, to adopt some classification, probably that according to the several processes, for the purpose of giving it a more directly instructive bearing.