'We have throughout contended that Chili was right in its
original quarrel with Peru, and have rather sympathised with the plucky and wail-organised little n ation in its campaign against its larger but amorphous antagonist. But the Chiliaus, by all accounts, are misusing victory. They demand three provinces, Possession of the Peruvian ports, a pledge that Peru shall keep no navy for forty years, and a huge indemnity, to be paid out of sales of guano, which, till it is paid, will be effected by the Peruvians for Chiliau profit. To enforce these terms, they have set up a mock Peruvian Government, and are allowing the ,country to fall into anarchy, amidst which all persons with any. thing to lose are being massacred, as are also the Chinese labourers. The effect will be that the Spanish civilisation of Peru, such as it was, will disappear, and the wilder Indians 'of the interior will oppress their settled countrymen and the whites. The Chilians have a right to the guano as spoil of war, and to annex any province they want, or oven to dominate Peru. But then they are bound to govern the territory they conquer. They have no right ; whatever e reduce an immense section of the earth's surface to anarchy, merely because it is inconvenient to themselves to l
administer it. They will bring the Americans down upon them, before they have done.