Colin Campbell.* These Two Volumes Contain The Record Of The
career of one of the foremost of English soldiers. Colin Campbell was not, in the highest sense of the term, a great General, but he was a very gallant officer and capable......
Very Short 0111). The Writer Gives 1113 A Vast Amount
of miscellaneous experiences of rural life, of its business, its amusements, its dark side, and its brighter aspects. Sometimes be touches on grave economical questions, as in......
Historical Sketches Of Savage Life In Polynesia, With...
Songs. By the Rev, W. W. Gill, B.A. (Didsbury, Wellington.)— This volume is a sequel to the author's "Myths and Songs from the South Pacific." Much legend is mixed up with the......
Current Literature.
tion, adorned with some well-executed portraits, engraved on steel. At the end, a brief biographical appendix is given. This contains some ninety names, the place of birth being......
A Manua/ Of Ancient Geography. Authorised Translation,...
of Heinrich Kiopert, Ph.D. (Macmillan and Co.)—We cannot too highly recommend this excellent text-book, which does for ancient geography, as far us may be, what Into been done......
The Year-book Of Facts In Science And The Arts For
1879-80. Edited by James Mason. (Ward, Lock, and Co.) —We can only repeat the praise which we have bestowed in former years on this excellent Publication. Mr, Mason candidly......