On Thursday, Lord Elcho Made One Of His Fierce Onslaughts
upon the Bill, alleging that it enacted not only the three 1■''s," but the "one R,"— simple robbery,—or what might, perhaps, be bettor styled the "two R's,—" Robbery wrapped......
A Scene Of Much Confusion Followed The Division, Mr. Brad-
laugh returning repeatedly to the charge and claiming to take the oath, till the Speaker appealed for help, and Mr. Bradlaugh was, on the motion of Sir S. Northcote, ordered to......
The Powers Do Not Appear To Have Made The Position
of the Porte any better by the betrayal of Greece. The Government of Athens has now accepted the boundary fixed by the Ambas- sadors,—but it is with the internal reserve that......
Lord Lymington Made A Very Able Speech In Defence Of
the Bill, arguing the case for free sale in the interest of the landlord, and showing that it made it the interest of the tenant to keep and leave his farm in good condition. He......
Sir Stafford Nortlo,ute Has Made His First Exercise Of Power
as the Chief of his Party. At a meeting of the Conservatives at the Carlton Club, on Thursday, he deprecated giving a decided negative to the Irish Land Bill, and proposed to......
The Debate On 'the Land Bill Has Hitherto Been Rather
unreal. Mr. Gibson, indeed, opened it on Monday, in •a vigorous speech of detail, intended to denounce its legal com- plexity and its great injustice to the landlords ; but his......
The Irish Catholic Bishops Have Drawn Up A Series Of
Resolu- tions on the subject of the Laud Bill which must have the effect of greatly strengthening the hands of the Government, though some of them appear to us to press unduly......
The West Cheshire Election Is Au Encouraging One For The
Liberals. It ended in the return of the Conservative candidate, Mr. Tollemache,—who will " seriously consider" the Irish Land Bill,—but the Liberal vote increased from 4,008,......