30 APRIL 1910, Page 1


TN our first leading article we draw attention to the fact

that the best way to solve the present Constitutional crisis is to make use of the Referendum. We desire that the Lords should not absolutely reject the Veto Bill if it is sent to them, though they must not of course attempt to amend a measure so had in itself. What, in our opinion, they should do is to add a Referendum clause, which, if the Commons will accept it, will mean that the electors of the country will be given a right to say whether or not they desire a change in the Con- stitution under which the House of Commons will become supreme, save only for the right of the Lords to impose a two years' delay,—an arrangement which could be altered to 'a month or six weeks' delay whenever the House of Commons became impatient with "the wearisome obstruction" of the period at first prescribed.