The Book Of The Railway. By George Mitton. (a. And
C. Black. Gs.)—This is a very pleasant book, pretty to look at, and interesting to read. It arranges and corrects a quantity of know- ledge which most of us possess partially,......
On Everything. By Il Belloc. (methuen And Co. 5s.)—a Reader
can hardly do better than take this volume and open it at random. If what he finds in it is too paradoxical for his taste, or, it may be, unintelligible—we own that sometimes......
The Norse Influence On Celtic Scotland.
The Norse Influence on Celtic Scotland. By George Henderson. (J. MacLeboso and Sons, Glasgow. 10s. net.)—This is a book for the Gaelic scholar, and we can do no more than call......
Letters Of John Mason Neale, D.d.
Letters of John Mason Neale, D.D. Edited by his Daughter. (Longman and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—We are not altogether thankful for the publication of these letters. We like to think......
Napoleon's Brothers.
Napoleon's Brothers. By A. Hilliard Atteridge. (Methuen and Co. 18s. net.)—Mr. Atteridge has done well, wo think, in weaving together the stories of the four brothers. A certain......
South Indian Missions.
South Indian Missions. By J. A. Sharrock, M.A. (S.P.G. 2s. Gd. net.)—Mr. Sharrock gives us here the experience of many years' work in Southern India. In this work he manifestly......
English Episcopal Palaces.
English Episcopal Palaces. By Caroline C. Morewood and Others. Edited by R. S. Reit. (A. Constable and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—We gather that this book is an outcome of that......