Eton College Portraits.
Eton College Portraits. By Lionel Cast. (Spottiswoode and Co. £5 5s.)—It was in the middle of the eighteenth century that Dr. Barnard, who was then Head-Master of Eton, first......
Buildings For Small Holdings.
Buildings for Small Holdings. By Thomas Potter. (B. T. Batsford. 8s. 6d. net.)—We have pleasure in drawing attention to this exceedingly practical little work by an admitted......
The Women Of A State University.
The Women of a State University. By Helen R. Olin. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 6s. net.)—For forty years there has been a system of co-education at work in the University of......
Susan Warner.
Susan Warner. By Anna B. Warner. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 10s. Gd. net.)—Suzan Warner wrote under the name of "Elizabeth Wetherell," a name which some at least of our readers will......
The Education Of The Blind.
History of the Education of the Blind. By W. H. Mingwortla F.C.T.B. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This is a treatise intended chiefly for the use of students at......
Five Books Of Travel.
To Abyssinia through an Unknown Land. By Captain C. H. Stigand. (Seeley and Co. 16s. net.)—Captain Stigand tells us that he long wished to strike out a new route, which should......