Further Essays on Border Ballads. By Lieutenant - Colonel the Hon. Fitzwflliam
Elliot. (Andrew Elliot, Edinburgh. 3s. 6d. net.) —Colonel Elliot again applies, and that with effect, the Higher Criticism to certain well-known ballads. The Scottish version of the "Battle of Otterburn " is one of these ; " Kinment Willie " is another. "Jamie Telfer o' the Fair Dodhead " he holds to be partly genuine; "Auld Maitland" he rejects altogether. We cannot follow his argument in detail, but we would express a general agreement with it. Who, for instance, does not recognise a modern hand, and a very skilful one too, in this utterance of " bauld Bucclerich " " O is my teismet a widow's mink?
Or iny lance a wand of the willow-tree ?
Or my WV a ladye's Wye hand, That an English lord should lightly me?
And bare they ta'en him, Kinmont Willie Without either dread or fear ?
And forgotten that the bauld Buoeleuch Can back a steed or shake a spear ? "
What a modern ring about this last line !