30 APRIL 1910, Page 3

On Wednesday the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced the names

of the Development Commissioners. The chairman is Lord Richard Cavendish, brother of the Duke of Devon- shire, and formerly M.P. for the North Lonsdale division; and the deputy-chairman (a paid official) Sir Francis Hopwood, the Permanent Secretary for the Colonies since 1907. The remaining Commissioners are Mr. S. Eardley Wilmot, Inspector-General of Forests to the Government of India from 1903-9; Mr. William Stowell Haldane, W.S., a well-known Scots land agent, and brother of the War Minister; Mr. Alfred D. Hall, the Director of the Rotham- sted Experimental Station; Mr. Sidney Webb ; Mr. M. A. Ennis, of Dublin, a large farmer, who has already served on two Royal Commissions ; and Mr. Henry Jones Davies, a yeoman farmer, Magistrate, and Chairman of the County Council of Carmarthen. Neither Mr. Ennis nor Mr. Davies has taken any active part in politics.