To the Editor of -the Seam:road
SIR, With reference to the Duchess of Atha's article in your issue of March 26th, in which she appeals to youth leaders to "- step into the breach," and the correspondence which has subsequently appeared, the lbllowing information may be of interest to your readers.
The Executive of the Boys' Brigade, the -pioneer organiza- tion for boys, took this matter into - close consideration shortly after the -close of the -War, As a result, two short pamphlets were prepared in 1920, written by a doctor, who was also the captain of a very successful company of the B.B. One is fok use in imparting information. to recruits, twelve to fourteen years of age, and the- other for those about to leave the Brigade, on reaching the age limit of seventeen to eighteen years. Careful instructions are issued with each pamphlet laying down that the first one is to be read aloud, without comment, to the young boys as part of their recruit training, while the second is to be handed to the older boy, to be returned as soon as he has read it.
This method of treating the subject is intended to get over various difficulties, such as inexperience on the part of the officer or reluctance to tackle the question. The pamphlets can be obtained on application by a captain or chaplain, and are issued free of charge.
Any reader who desires further information can obtain it on application to the Brigade Secretary, The Boys' Brigade,
Abbey House. 2 Victoria Street, Westminster, SM., 1, or Boys' Brigade House, 168 Bath Street, Glasgow.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Garwhiller, Miltagarie. Hon. Brigade Treasurer.