Now Some Of The Afforestcrs Have G ▪ Rievous Sins To
their charge. They see an enemy in any creature with a beak or a tooth, and order the destruction both of blackcock and squirrel. But in this recent charge I am wholly on the......
It Is Said, Not Seldom, That English Farmers Are Wanting
in enterprise. In regard to the districts where the soil is rich as in the Marshland," so called, of South Lincolnshire, or the Penland of Cambridge and Iluntingdon, or the......
Crown Colonies At Home.
This district may be called the headquarters of the official small holdings ; and " the Crown Colony " has cost an immense sum of money which will never be recovered, which......
Country Life
THE BEST DAFFODILS. It is generally agreed that recent exhibits of daffodils at the Royal Horticultural Show have surpassed everything seen before. The flowers have grown in......
Nor Is The Direct Business The Only Concern. The Little
trial ground of a rood or two is compact of the newer sorts being tried out ; and a good deal of valuable research is done in association with the scientific station at Kirton.......
Stoats And Afforestation.
I heard last week an angry protest against the Government afforesters from the mouth of a landowner and game preserver. His grounds had been overrun with stoats. Now stoats,......
A Flourishing Industry.
Both these I have seen growing at Holbeach in South Lincolnshire. The rapidity of the growth of the industry in that richest bit of England, well named Holland, may be inferred......
A Breckland Sanctuary.
The effects of afforestation at the Norfolk centre are curious and in some places a cause of natural regret. No bit of England —not even Wicken Fen—is more peculiar in its......
They Come!
I have never known so many species of migrant bird to arrive simultaneously. Personally I heard my first cuckoo, chiffehaff and nightingale, and saw the swallow within the space......