It Is Said To Have Been Ascertained That A Whole
family, who have been under treatment for the cholera in St. Giles's, actually brought the seeds of the disease with them all the way from Cork.-- Morning Herald. [This is is......
It Is Now Said That The King Of Holland Was
the party whose gold stirred up the poisoning riots in Paris. There is said to be proof that a banker, by his directions, distributed 300,000 francs (£12,000) for that purpose.......
Men And Women
[A symposium was recently published; wherein eight well-known authoresses set forth their views on the opposite sex. To entrust the criticism of such a work to a male reviewer......
A Hundred Years Ago
THIS " SPECTATOR," APRIL 28m, 1832. Washington Irving has taken his departure for America, the land of his birth, which he has not visited these twenty years.......
Spectator's Library.
Klosterheim : or the Masque. By the English Opium-Eater. (Black. wood, Edin.) The Jesuit. A Novel. 3 vols. (Saunders and Otley.)......