[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SDI; —In your news of the week you refer to a statement of Sir Herbert Samuel about Irish Sweepstakes. I send you a cutting from the Irish Independent of 18th inst., in which the Hospitals Trust Ltd., comment upon his figures. I also enclose a comparison of the statements.
I wholly disapprove of Sweepstakes, but it is only right to say that the accounts of the Sweepstakes money are audited by the firm of Craig Gardner and -Co., accountants of the highest
standing.—I am, Sir, CHARLES EASON. Harvieston, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.
[The Irish Independent, on the authority of the Hospitals Trust Ltd., gives £11,645,534, against Sir Herbert Samuel's 113,800,000; as representing the total subscribed ; and 12,844,677 (plus £10,000), against £2,800,000 as the amount received by the hospitals and 1990,455 for expenses," against Sir Herbert's £3,300,000 for " expenses and corn- missions."—En., Spectator].