Royal Servants While the Prince of Wales has been spending
the past week in visiting the depressed areas on Tyneside in the interests of that national service for which he made so stirring an appeal at the Albert Hall recently, the announcement is made that his brother Prince George, with a view to familiarizing himself with industrial conditions, is to accompany Home Office inspectors on their visits to factories and workshops. The interest of the Duke of York in the industrial life of the country, and his practical knowledge of it, is well known. Americans sometimes ask how long the monarchical system will he preserved in this country. The answer is simple: So long as members of the royal family work as hard, and take their public duties as seriously, as the present generation of the House of Windsor does. The King and Queen and their family take life's tasks as they come; and the appreciation the country feels is often implied rather than expressed. But it may fitly be given expres- sion now and then.
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