30 AUGUST 1856, Page 7



Queen Victoria was received at the St. Margaret's station of her Northern capital, on Thursday, by the Duke of Buccleuch, Lord Mel- ville, and Mr. Sheriff Gordon. She was escorted to Holyrood by a detachment of the Fifth Dragoon Guards, while the road was lined by the Thirty-fourth Regiment and a battery of Artillery—all Crimean troops. In the portico of Holyrood Palace, her Majesty was received by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Mr. Black the Member, and Sir Benja- min Hall. Yesterday morning, the Queen and her family drove through Prince's Street and the Lothian Road, by Heriot's Hospital, down the Canongate, and past the Palace into the Queen's Park. Thence they made a circuit of Arthur's Seat by the new drive known as the Queen's ride, Prince Albert accompanied her Majesty on horseback. In the afternoon, the whole party drove through the Park by the Dalkeith Rota to Craigmillar Castle, and crossed the Esk to Hawthornden. Here they alighted, and walked up the glen to Roslyn Chapel. Thence they drove back to Holyrood. Her Majesty was to recommence her journey to Balmoral at nine o'clock this morning.

Thursday was fixed for the investiture of the three new Knights of SC Patrick—the Marquis of Londonderry, the Earl of Granted, and the Earl of Shrewsbury. When the day arrived, only one Knight appeared— death had removed the Earl of Shrewsbury, illness detained the Earl of Granard, and the Marquis of Londonderry alone was able to present him- self to the Chapter. It is remarked that the Earl of Carlisle, as Grand Master, carried out on this occasion one of the original ordinances a the order, which requires that robes of the Knight shall be "wrought within the realm of Ireland." Hitherto the robes have been made in England, of French material : on Thursday the Knights were robed in Irish tabinet.