The Daily News Has Done Good Service By Publishing, In
three instalments, the translation of a letter addressed by Luigi Carlo Farini to Mr. Gladstone—an honest statement of the way in which Italy is governed. At the Paris......
According To The Newspapers Received This Week From The Cape
of Good Hope, the Anglo-German Legion is destined to emigrate, if its members so please, and to be settled' down somewhere, probably on the borders of the Cape colony. It seems......
/of Curt.
Tim Orme and Court are now in the Highlands. Before her Majesty left Osborne, she made a trip, on Saturday, over to Browndown, near Gosport, and inspected the two battalions of......
Chl Atttrninlio.
Sir Benjamin Hall attended at the Office of Woods and Forests on Monday, for the purpose of meeting several eminent architects, who were invited to offer suggestions respecting......