The Daily News Has Done Good Service By Publishing, In
three instalments, the translation of a letter addressed by Luigi Carlo Farini to Mr. Gladstone—an honest statement of the way in which Italy is governed. At the Paris......
News Of The Week.
DISPERSION has never been carried so far in any vacation as in the present. Not only has the Sovereign sought the custom- ary autumnal refuge in the Scottish Highlands ; not......
Military Demonstrations Keep Up A Retrospective...
The Guards have been entertained at a dinner in the Surrey Gardens where two thousand sat dowtt to table with cant-Major Edwards at their head. It might have been better if some......
The Uneasy Feeling On The Continent Is Justified By The
actual events. Notwithstanding reports constantly repeated, that there "is to be" some kind of " amelioration" somewhere,—an am- nesty in Naples, an O'Donnell programme in......