France and British Coal One indireet result of the French
Government's economy decrees ordaining cuts in prices is a reduction in the quota for imported coal, which, though •not dis- criminatory, chiefly affects Great Britain. The price of coal for domestic consumption is reduced by 1Q per cent., but the owners are. not allowed to reduce miners' Wages. This would only' affect employment if the production of coal on these terms were unprofitable ; and in that case the reduction of imports would not help the French producer ; it would merely, tend to embarrass a Government filming, at 'incompatibles- loWer priCes, equal costs of production, • diminished sources of supply. So far as coal imported solely for industrial purposes is concerned, that is another matter. The problem is a complex one for a Government.. to handle ; it is a wise suggestion that there should be Anglo-French cooperation through a coal committee, to recommend such changes in the quota as would be most serviceable to the French coal industry and least harmful to the importer and consumer. . • • * *