Shop-lifters ' The Growth Of The Very Disturbing Habit Of
shop-lifting 'was described by Mr. Chiesman, at the Summer School of the Drapers' Chamber of Trade, as a " canker in the life of the modem store" ; andhe appealed to magistrates......
The Mentor Of The Commonwealth The Completion. By The Round
Table of a hundred quarterly numbers is a far more notable achievement than the mere successful achievement of twenty-five years of existence . implies. For through that period.......
Comintern Rhetoric This Country And The United States...
very doubtful wisdom in protesting to the Soviet Government against speeches delivered—most of them not by Russian subjects — at the recent meeting of the Communist......
The City Enterprise Of Leeds The Comprehensive Schemes Of...
and rehousing adopted by the Leeds Corporation is causing 'some uneasiness to cautious persons in that city, but it may well be that in ten years' time it will be recognised......
France And British Coal One Indireet Result Of The French
Government's economy decrees ordaining cuts in prices is a reduction in the quota for imported coal, which, though •not dis- criminatory, chiefly affects Great Britain. The......
Mr. Chuichill And India • Churchill's Statement To His...
on the. cessation of his attacks on the G o vernment over India (..noes him credit,, conscious though he may be that his change of tactics is likely to strengthen his position......