30 AUGUST 1935, page 18

The Belfast Riots "to The 'editor Of Tue "spectator,]...

your issue of 'August 16th' the Rector of a !alio Belfast parish, ReV. J. H. McDonald, and Mr. St. John ErvinC, nnative of the district, pointed out how wrong it was to blame......

[to The Editor Of The: Spectator,]

Sta,—Mr. J. R. McDonald, of Shankill Rectory, Belfast, in his reply to Mr. Frank MacDermot, would have the " Fog over Ireland " embrace the British' Isles. For sheer arrogance......

Italy, Ethiopia And The League

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The article entitled ‘` The Crisis " in last week's Spectator presented a case, complete in itself, for applying Sanctions against Italy.......