From the seat of war itself we have little besides
those commu- nications of a chequered eolour which have become an established institution. "Nothing new has taken place," says Prince Men= schikoff on the 20th instant. The English and French reinforce- ments, still arriving, had already added 18,000 men to the army in the Crimea. The Russians are reported to be making some way in Asia Minor : but if the Calcutta news is correct, their movements towards India have received a decided check. Our old enemy-ally, Dost Mahomed, seems really to have made those overtures towards a friendly combination with the British which have been reported by anticipation for several mails past. Russia has, as it were, advanced her pickets in that direction ; but she must expend an army like that of Xerxes to place upon the Indus any, force that could contend with our own. Now scarcely a regiment can pass, so long as Cabul understands her clear interest in playing porter for the British, rather than house-breaker for the Russian. The Czar may be bullying Persia to make a show of joining him, for the purpose of the moral ef- fect; but from that quarter nothing more than a moral effect, if so much, could reach Europe to the detriment of the Allies ; and Mr. Charles'Muriay has gone to Persia.