The Art Union.
We have received the Report of the Art Union Council for the year which we now for the last time call this year. It shows that the sub- scriptions have amounted to a sum close......
"lilt *flit
THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. The annual exhibition of this Government Department has opened at Gore House. The contributions consist of the elementary studies sent up from......
Mr. S. C. Hall's Royal Gallery Of Art.
We spoke of the general scheme of this collection of engravings from pictures belonging to the Queen and Prince Albert, on the appearance of the first monthly part. The second......
Biographical Catalogue Of Painters.*
A book such as this was greatly wanted. In 207 pages. an account is given of all the Italian painters that one is likely to require to know something about,—numbering, we fancy,......
Publications Received.
Boors. The History of Political Literature, from the Earliest Times. By Ro- bert Blakey, Author of the "History of the Philosophy of the Mind." Knowledge is Power : a View of......
Health Of London During The Week Ending December 24.
[Frosn the Official Iteturn.] Ten 'Weeks Week Of 1144=53. of 1854. gyntotic Diseases Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat Tubercular Diseases......