30 DECEMBER 1854, page 19
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday,Deeember 26. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. - H. and J. Pullin, Horton, Buckinghamshire, farmers -Willman and Hartley, Burnley, ironmongers-Feetham and Bates, Charles Street,......
Naval Gazette.
ADMIRALTY, Dec. 26.-Erratum in the Gazette of the 224 Dec.-For CoL S. R. Wesley to be Deputy-Adjt. of Royal Marines, 8cc. read Col. S. IL Wesley to be Deputy-Adjt.-Gen. of Royal......
Military Gazette.
WAR.OFPICE. Dee. W.-Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards-Lieut. W. T. Mark- ham, from the Rifle Brigade, to be Lieut. -and Capt. by purchase, vice Wilson, pro- meted ; Ensign and......