WAR.OFPICE. Dee. W.-Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards-Lieut. W. T. Mark- ham, from the Rifle Brigade, to be Lieut. -and Capt. by purchase, vice Wilson, pro- meted ; Ensign and Lieut. M. W. Heneage to he Lieut. and Cspt. without purchase, vice Eliot, killedio action; Lieut. Lord E. IL B. G. Cecil, from the 88th Foot, to he lieut. and Capt. without purchase. Scots Fusilier Guards-Ensign and Lieut. A. AL 11. G. Gregory to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Thistlethwaite, whose "motion, by purchase, on the 15th inst. has been cancelled. To be Lieuts. and Capts. without purchase-Ensign and Lieut. G. G Gordon; Ensign and Lieut. Wil- liam 'Viscount Ertnismore; Ensign and Lieut. J. R. Farquharson. To be Ensign and Lieut. without purchase -J. Paynter, Gent.
WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 29.-let Regt. of Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. E. A. G. Muller to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchase-Lieuts. W. J. Gillum, G. Taaffe, H. F. Bythcsea, 0. Itowlaud. 4th Foot-Capt. .1. J. Hort to be Major, without purchase. To be Capts. without purchase-Limits. A. E. II. Ansell, nail, J. Barton, M. H. Dowbiggin, P. Roberteon, vice Hort. 9th loot-Capt. D. M . Bethune to be Major, without purchase. To be Capts. without purchase- Lieuts . B.. Daunt. T. E. B. Dent, W. Burden, F. Smith. 14th Foot-Brevet Lieut.- Col. Sir .1. E. Alexander, K.C. to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchase-Lieuts. W. H. Hawley, C. E. Grogan, J. Barlow. 17th Foot-Capt. T. 0. Ruttledge to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. with- out purchase-Lieut. C. H. J. Heighaua, W. H. Eerie, R. W. Cradock. 18th Foot-Brevet Major G. F. S. Call to be 31ajor, without purchase. To be Capts. without purchase- Lieuts W. II, Graves, J. G. Wilkinson, J. Swinburn. 19th Foot-Capt. J. L. R. Rooke to be Major, without purchase. To be Capts. with- out purchase-Lieuts. M. L. Blake, L. D. H. Currie, R. D. Barrett, L F. Morrison, G. Clay, vice Hooke. 20th Foot-Brevet Major J. 11. Sharpe to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchase-Lieutenants Henry James, James George Hay. Stephen R. Chapman, Edward Lees. 21st Foot -Captain the Hon. J. L. Browne to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieutenants .1. Aldridge, II. F. B. Moose, C. Ped- die. 23d Foot-Brevet Major W. P. Campbell to be 51aj•T, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase- Lieutenants H. Bathurst, F. Sayer, G. T. John, W. C. Clerke. 28th Foot-Brevet Major M. Andrews to be Major, without pur- chase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieutenants II. W. Denote, J. D. Mal- colm, S. L. A. B. Messiter, 0. R. H. Orlebar. 30th Foot-Brevet Major E. A. Whitmore to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieu- tenants W. J. Brook, E. N. Falkner, W. J. Robertson. 39d Foot -Brevet Lieu- tenant-Colonel G. V. Mundy to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains with- out purchase-Lieutenants T. B. Fanshawe, T. S. Vacher, C. C. Barret, W. G. Nugent, C. E. Mansfield, vice Mundy. 34th Foot-Brevet Major J. Simpson to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieutenant D. Stuart, G. E. B. Westhead, G. W. Puget, R. Campbell. 38th Foot-Brevet Major J. W. S. Smith to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieute- nants AC. Snodgrass, F. Beswick, T. E. Lambert, Hon. C. .1. Addington. 39th Foot-Brevet Major A. Herbert to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieutenants W. Greenhorn, J. Agnew, W. H. Wilson, T. J. Dixon. 41st Foot-Captain R. Pratt to be Major, without purchase. To be Cap- tains without purchase-Lieutenants C. P. Bertram, G. R. Fitzroy, W. Allen. 42d Foot-Brevet Major J. C. Macpherson to be Major, without purchase. To be Capts. without purchase-Lieut. R. A. Fraser, J. C. M'Leod, R. C.Cuninghame, H. Montgomery. 44th Foot-Capt. W. Mactfahon to be Major, without purchase. To be Capts. without purchase-Lieuts. E. 0. Streatfield, W. H. Mansfield, R. Preston, F. W. T. Caulfield. 46th Foot-Brevet Major A. G. Vesey to be Major, without purchase. To be Capts. without purchase-Lieut. Charles Somerville Ill'Alester, William Reginald liesketh, John A. Pane, Alfred Henry Waldy. 97th Foot-Brevet Major J. Lardner to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchase-Lieuts. C. Elgee, C. A. Stevenson, R. G. Ellison, FitzWilliam F. Hunter, Sampson Pilkington, vice Lardner. 49th Foot-Capt. L. 11. G. Maclean to. be Major, without purchase. To be Capta. without purchase-Lieuts. F. W. Gost- ling, G. H. Lamb, R. D. Astley. 50th Foot-Brevet Major H. E. Weave to be Major, without purchase. To be Capts. without purchase -Lieuts. D. W. Tupper, R. 71. White, W. H. Mangles. filth Foot-Brevet Major J. Coats to be Major, without pur.. To be Copts. without purchase-Lieuts. W. flarnston, F. C. Elton, R. England, .I. R. Hume. 57th Foot-Capt. J. Auchmuty to be Major, without pur- chase. To be Capts. without purchase-Lieuts. G. H. Norman, G. U. Hague, W.
E. Brown, A L. Copland. 62d Foot-Capt. W. F. Dickson to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieuts. C. Cooch, G. Grylls, J. Sanderson. 63d Foot-Capt. C. Higginbotham to be Major, without purchase. To be Capes. without pur.-Lieuts. T. Johns, W. H. Newenham, J. .1. Cockburn,
F. L, T. Paterson. 68th Foot-Capt. H. H. Greere to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchase-Lieuts. W. H. Seymour, H. W. J. Trent, II. White, C. C. Fitzltoy. 71st Foot-Brevet Major R. D. Campbell to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchase-Lieut. J. I. Macdonell, C. F. Smith, W, F. Segrave, B. Nevelle. 77th Foot-Capt. W. Forbes to be Major, with- out purchase. To be Capt. without purchase-Lieut. W. 51. C. Acton. 79th Foot
- Capt. W. 51•Call to be Major, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchase
- Lieuts. C. M. Harrison, J. Scott, H. H. Stevenson, .1. II. Freme, W. Mure, vice 51'Call. To be Lieut. without pur.-Ensign C. G. Durant, from the 94th Foot. 88th Foot-Capt. E. Norton to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains with- out purchase-Lieuts. T. Gore, H. J. De M. Baynes, J. Wray, H. W. Grogan. 99th Foot-Brevet Major the Hon. C. Daly to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains a ithout purchase-Lieuts. J. M. Cuppage, Carrick Darby, A. H. H. 5Ier- cer, 4. Nixon. 90th Foot-Capt. D. Campbell to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieuts. R. D. Vaughton, H. Denison, H. II. Crea- lock, Ct. J. Wolseley. 93d Foot-Brevet Major J. A. Ewart tube Major, without pur- chase. To be Captains without purchase-Lieut. W. G. D. Stewart, Somerset M. Clarke, E. S. F. G. Dawson, M. G. Sprot. 95th Foot-Capt. J. F. T. Dennis to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purcbase-Lieuts. A. J. J. Mac- donald, Anthony Morgan, G. L. Carmichael, F. J. Taylor. 97th Foot-Brevet Major R. Colvill to be Major, without purchase. To be Captains without purchase - Lieuts. E. D. Harvest, C. H. Lumley, II. G. Woods, E. K. Jones, W. R. Annealey, vice Colvill. Rifle Brigade-Major W. H. Bradford to be Limit-Col. without pur- chase. 'robe Majors without purchase-Capt. F. R. Elrington, Brevet Major Lard A. G. Russell, Capt. J. Wilkinson, vice Bradford. To be Captains without pur- chase-Lieuts. J. Ross, W. B. Brewster, Hon. Henry Clifford, A. H. Drummond, A. Nixon, F. W. Balfour, C. Buller, Hon. B. R. Pellews, A. F. Warren, J. Bowles, E. G. Lindsay, T. H. Bmmston, vice Elrington, C. T. Bouchier, vice Lord A. G. Russell, Hon. G. B. Legge, vice Wilkinson. To be Lieutenants without purchase -Ensign G. R. Saunders, C. E. Musgrave, C. B. Dashwood, P.M. Dyke, .1. P. C. Glyn, Henry S. Ryder, John C. Moore, Lionel S. T. M. Cary, George H. Grey.
Wea-onece, Dec. 29.-4th Drag. Guards-To be Lieutenants without purchase- Cornets the Hon. H. FitzMaunce Deane, vice Brigstocke, promoted, J. A. Bragge, E. R. Fisher, 5th Drag. Guards-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Cor- nets T. L. Hampton, H. H. Hay. 1st Dmgs.--Cornet G. H. Robertson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Coney, promoted. 2d Drags.-To be Captains with- outpurchase-Lieuts. F. Sutherland, vice Williams, deceased; G. Buchanan, vice Sutherland, whose promotion on the 8th instant has been cancelled ; H. Edwards, vice Buchanan, whose promotion on the 15th Dec. has been cancelled. To be Lieutenants without purchase-Cornet D. 151Net11, vice Edwards; Cornet H. E. Handley. 4th Light Drags.- Cornet J. Clark, Ridingmaster, to be Lieut. without purchase; Cornet W. Winstanley, from the 16th Light Drags, to be Cornet, with- out purchase. 6th Drags.-Cornet A. H. White to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sir J. If:Stewart, Bart. who retires; J. Evans, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice White. 11th, Light Drags-Cornet G. A. Maddock to be Lieut. without purchase; vice Houghton, dec. ; Lieut. E. Harnett, from half-pay of the 15th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Maddock, whose promotion on the 8th instant has been cancelled; Yeterinary-Surg. W. Partridge to be Veterinary-Sure, vice Gloag, appointed to the Staff in Turkey. 17th Light Drage.-cornetkl. Baring, from the 10th Light Drags. to be Lieut. without purchase. Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards -Battalion-Surg. G. Brown to be Surg.-Major, vice Wright, who retires upon half-pay; Assist.- Burg. C. Nicoll to be Battalion-Surg. vice Brown; W. R. Lane, Gent, to be Assist.- Sur. vice Nicoll. Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards-Captain Christopher E. Blackett, from the 93d Foot, to be Limit. and Capt. without purchase, vice Bouverie, killed in action. 7th Foot-L. P..Traherne, Gent to be Ensign, without purchase, vise Waller, promoted. 18th Foot-To be Lieuts. without purchase- Ensign A. C. Elliott, from the 94th Foot, Ensign C. J. Coote. 21st Foot-8. G. L. Fox, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Pester, appointed to the Rifle Brigade, 29d Foot-J. Williamson, Geut, to be Ensign, without purchase. 28th Foot-To be lieuts. without pur. -Ensigns B.C. Worthington, vice Holford, dec. ; C. D. Ingham, vim Worthington. whose promotion on the 8th Dee, has been can- celled ; T. E. Mama, from the Royal South Lincoln Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice loeharn. 30th Foot-Ensign -C. J. Moors= to be Lieut. without purchase, vice R. Lenin, died of his wounds;! Ensign J. Fleming to-be Lieut. without purchase, vice Moorsom, whose promotion on the 8th inst. has been min- celled. To be Ensigns without purchase-Lieut. W. Kerr, from the Nontbaum- ton Militia, vice Thompson, died of his wounds; Lieutenant It. H. Neville, from the Royal South Lincoln Militia, vice Fleming, promoted. 44th Foot-Ensign T.O. Howortb, from the 3d West York Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase. 97th Foot-Assist-Surg. H. Grange, from Staff to be Assiet.-Surg. vice Saunders, prom. 57th Foot-Lieut. C. G. Clarke, from the South Devon Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Bird, promoted. 60th Foot-Hon. It. P. Vereker to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Travers, promoted. 63d Foot -Lieut. IL H. Archer, from the South Devon Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, rice Wyberg, pro- moted. 68th Foot-Capt. H. Blount to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. H. Smyth, died of his wounds; Lieut. C. U. Shuttleworth to be Capt. without purchase, vice Blount ; Lieut. and Adjt. T. de C. Hamilton to be Capt. without purchase, vice Shuttleworth, whose promotion on the let Dec. has been cancelled. 77th Foot-Ensign H. M. L. Colquhoun to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Maine, dec.; Ensign G. E. Leggett to be Lieut. without purchase; J. G. Skene, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Morgan, promoted. 91th Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. L. Dennis to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Brevet Col. Milner, who retires upon full-pay; Capt. W. H. Kirby to be Major, without purchase, vice Dennis; Capt. B. Browne, from half-pay, Unattached, to be Capt. Nice Whahab, ap- pointed Paymaster; Lieut. J. E. D. M*Cartby to be Capt. without purchase, vice Kirby Lieut. H. H. Pratt to be Capt. by purchase, vice Browne, who retiree; En- sign W. 1'. Gaskell to be Limit, without purchase, vice M'Carthy ; Ensign G. L. liedley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pratt; J. R. Rolls, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice II edley. 95th Foot-Brevet Major A. T. Heylaud to be Major, with- out purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Champion, died of his wounds ; Lieut. C. IL Martin to be Captain, without purchase, vice 13eyland. To be Lieuts. without pur- chase-Ensign G. IL L. Brooke, vice Martin ; Ensign J. W. .1. Stockwell, vice Brooke, whose promotion on the 8th instant has been cancelled ; Ensign N. Knatch- bull, from the Royal Wilts Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Stockwell, promoted. 98th loot-Lieut. R. James, from half-pay of the .56th Foot, to he Lieut. vice Browne, appointed to the 84th Foot; Ensign R. W. Ellis to be Lieut. by purchase, vice James, who retires ; W. Blackett, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, sire Ellis.
Ride Brigade-Second Lieutenant C. A. P. Boileau to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Godfrey, dec.; Ensign A. Heywood to be Lieut. vice Boileau, whose promotion on the 8th inst. has been cancelled ; Ensign P. W. Fremantle to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Heywood, whose promotion on the 224 Dec. has been cancelled. To be Ensigns without purchase-J`. F. Henley, Gent vice Norris, promoted ; Ensign J. Clerk, from the 6th Foot, vice Boileau, promoted; Ensign J. C. Pester, from the 21st Foot, vice Hon. A. Anson, promoted ; H D. Baillie, Gent. vie! Talbot, promoted ; S. G. Woodford, Gent. vice Fremantle ; Lieut. H. A. Scricen, from the 4th Middlesex Militia.
1st West India Regt.-J, R. 0. Lawlor, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Beamish, appointed to the 45th Foot. 3d West India Regt-Ensign E. Arm- strong to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Savage, dec.; Ensign G. 0. Beasley to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Armstrong, whose promotion on the 1st Dec. has been cancelled. Royal Canadian Rifle Regt.-Major P. Hill to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Brevet Col. Taylor, who retires ; Capt. J. N. Holmes to be Major, by purchase, vice Hill; Lieut. K. M. Moffatt to be Capt. by purchase, rice Holmes ; Ensign E. Woolley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Moffatt; W. F. Manson, Gent, to be Ensign,, sine Woolley; Lieut. W. H. Sharpe to be Adjt. vice Moffatt, pro-
Provisional DepOt Battalions-Brevet Col. J. T. Hill, from half-pay 21st Foot, to be Lieut.-Col.; Major J. Johnston, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major ; Brevet Major D. A. G. Darrach, of the 51st Foot, to be Adjt.; Lieut. J. Burke, of the 27th Foot, to be Guartermaster.
Brevet.-Brevet Col. H. R. Milner, on retired full-pay of the 94th Foot, to be Major-General in the Army, the rank being only honorary. Capt. 13, Browne, of the 94th Foot, to be Major in the Army. Brevet Major B. Browne, of the 94th Foot, E0 be Lieut.-Col. in the Army. Major-General R. Airey, being the Senior Supernumerary Major-General, to succeed to the vacancy on the fixed Establishment of General Officers.
Hospital Staff-Acting Assist.-Surg. J. A. Marston, M.D. to be Assiet.-Surg. vice Grange, appointed to the 47th / oot. To be Acting Assist.-Surgs.-F.
kieson, Gent.; U. R. Percy, Gent.; J. Baylly, Gent.; B.. Dade, Gent.; W. H. Cora. bett, Gent.; R. Webb, Gent.; J. Jardine, Gent.; H. Sheriock, Gent.; C. O'Cale loglian, Gent.; W. Ramsay, M.D.
Memorandum .-The removal of Ensign Sparke, from the 68th Foot, to a Coro- netcy in the 4th Light Drags, as- stated in the Gazette of the 15th Dec. has been cancelled. The appointment of J. F. Henley, Gent, to an Ensigncy, by purchase, in the 73d Foot, as stated in the Gazette of the 224 instant, has been cancelled. The Christian names of Ensign Bindon, of the 26th Foot, are Charles Hunt, and not Henry Herbert, as previously stated. The promotion of Major G. B. S. Colman, to be Lieut.-Col, by purchase, in the 3d West India Regt. as stated in time Gazette of the 15th Sept. has been cancelled.
OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Dec. 23.-Royal Hegt. of Artillery-Brevet Col. II. Pal- liser to be a Col. vice Jones, promoted to be a General Officer; Brevet Major W. R. Gilbert to be Lieut.-Col. vice Palliser; Second Capt. G. Shaw to be Capt. vice Gilbert; First Lieut, P. J. Campbell to be Secomi Capt. vice Shaw; Second Lieut. E. J. Ward to be First Lieut. vice Campbell; /ffievet Col. J. A. Wilson to be Col. vice Grantham, retired ; Brevet Major H. Aylnier to be Lieut.-Col. vice Wilson; Second Capt. A. F. F. Lennox lobe Capt. vice Aylmer ; First lieut. A. W. Tulsa to be Second Capt. vice Lennox; Second Lieut. A. D. Burnaby to be First Lieut. vice Twice; Brevet Major A. Irving to be Lieut.-Col. vice Grant, retired on full- pay ; Second Capt. C. S. Henry to be Capt. vice Irving; First Lieut. R. Curtis to be Second Capt. vice Henry ; becond Lieut. W. B. E. Ellis to be First Lieut. vice Curtis ; Brevet Major St. J. T. Browne to be Lieut.-Col. vice Beresford, ret, on full- pay ; Sec. Capt. E. H. It. Flint to be Capt. sine Browne; First Lieut. A. Sievwright to be Sec. Capt. vice Flint ; Sec. Lieut. C. G. Luard to he First Lieut. vice they- wright ; Sec. Capt. P.O. l'ipon to be Capt. vice the Hon. R. C. H. Spencer, retired on full-pay; First Lieut. F. S. Seale to be Sec. Capt. vice Pipon; Second lieut. H. A. D. de Visenes to be First Lieut. vice Scale; Gentlemen Cadets to be Sec. Lieuts -C. D. Bevan, vice Temple, promoted ; W. H. Newcome, vice Ilavenhilt, promoted ; J. II. King, vice Pitt, promoted ; C. G. Browne, vice F. L. H. Lyon, promoted ; T. Cumming, vice Tredcroft, promoted ; C.E.S. Scott, vice Holmes, promoted.
Corps of Royal Engineers-Gentlemen Cadets to be Sec. Lieuts. with Temporary Rank-F. A. Marindm, vice Cowell, promoted ; Wheatley, vice Hawthorn, promoted; E. C. Sim, vice Graham, promoted.