The "revues," which are to the Parisians what pantomimes and bur- lesques are to the Londoners, though infinitely less ubiquitous, are be- ginning to take their retrospective surveys of the expiring _year 1854; but the important event of the day is the production of Verdi's new opera Ii Trovatore, at Les Italiens. The libretto is of a tragic kind. A lady who is beloved by a Spanish noble bestows her affections on a gipay chief ; to save the life of the Bohemian, who is condemned to death, the lady promises to marry the Count, but poisons herself; and the Count, though he indulges himself with the execution of his rival, is soon horror-stricken to find that he has hanged his own brother, who was stolen by gipsies in infancy. The principal artists are Mesdames Frezzolini and Borghi-Mamo and M. Beaucarde.