• The Gazette also contained the folloWhig anntemcements-
The Queen has been pleased to pres.ent the Honourable and Reverend 'John ThOrnsis Pelhara B.A., to the Rectory of Saint Marysle-bone, in the county- of Middle-ices:41nd diocese of London, void by the death of the Bever- :end John Iltiete Spry, D.D. ' "The Queen has also been pleased to grant unto the Reverend William ,Stinte; M.A., theldsice rind dignity of a Cation of the metropolitical church ionanterbtity, void by the-deaths:JIM°. Reverend John Hamm Spry, DD."
; 214miralti4rrangements respecting Ships in theBallie • At Portamouthe—The Duke of Wellington, the James Watt, the Hogue,
the Blenheim„,the Imperieuse, the Arrogant, the Penelope, the Loeust (not arrimedlesterday). - At Devonport—The St. Jean D'Acre, the Princess Royal, the Nile, the Census the Eurynles. • • , At Leith—The Edinburgh, the Cruiser, the Archer, the Magicienne. At Woolwich—The Odin.
, At Sheerness—The Cressy, the Majestic, the Royal George, and the
At Hull—The Conflict, the Desperate. _
, AtNertflitSliields—The Bulldog. At, CipteartY--The Dragon, the ht,3'suinond _; the llaeilielt, the Vulttirtt.' ' At Harwiela—The Driver.
The expenses of the Cambridge -borough election, in August of Ibis Year, are stated by the Auditor appointed under the new act for qta*cir- tion ef briberyat elections to be RE follows.
I Re . . . tinned. Mr. Adair expended £173 10 5 . Mr. 31owatt 206 18 4 , Standing Lord Maidstone, and 1 342 1 together. Mr. Slade, Q.0 j lion. W. F. Campbell • I . (who did not go to the 37 9 0 , poll) '
Total expenditure.. 759 19 2 reclusive of the fees paid to the Anditor. This would have been considered livery moderate sum to be expended by a siegle candidate at a contested election before the passing of the slew act. Lord Monteagle and Sir Fitzroy Kelly, especiany, must sigh. at the remembrance,of the gap made by the old Cambridge elections in their banker's books, when they read that less than 8001. will serve, un- der due supervision and under the prospect of publicity, for carrying four candidates and a half through a sharp oontetst.