A. Ssipplement , toephe„Gazette was palished.this afternoon contattung the following despatels from
Lbicl Raglan, and further returns, of
casualtiee. f,
" Before Sebastopol, Dec. 13,1854. "My Lord Duke—Your Grace will be happy to hear that the weather hiss eont nualfine since 'had the honour to addreas your Grace on the 8th instant.
MPortanee, nothing -
"The enemy hasmadesso-movement ofi an no ng o any ma- terial consequence has taken placahefore Sebastopol. Tire' Mullane moved upon'one advanced piekets, in front of our left attack, the night before last, in some force ; but they were instantly driven baits by a detechinenfof thelet Battalion itifte,Brigade, on the right., an4 br 010,414 .46t/a. on thn left. ,,The kinhearSver, was kePt, up for some thee, and the 3d and 4th Divisions were held in readiness to support, in case their aiMistatiee ehonld have ,beeu required., - ,
"I enclose the return of castalties to the 10th instant. • • "I have; dce. s • RAGLAN." Ilis Grace the Duke of Neweastle,1 " &c. &c. .8sc."
• The return of dasualtiekit from the 6th to the 10th December, both in- clusi,se. The total killed is 7 rank and file; 2 sergeants, aud 10 rank and file; welunded ; and 6 rank and file missigg.
The Gazette of lest night contained a " return of casualties from the 27th November to the 5th December 1854, both days inclusive."
Ituel Aet4llerys.-1 rank and. file killed. Sappers-1 rank and file wounded. 1st B.w,inkitt of 1Foot-3 rank arid file wounded. lth Foot-1 rank and 'file killed, 9th Foot-3 rank and file wounded. .20th Foot-7 rank and file wounded (2 of whom were omitted in the return of November 26). 21st -Fo4t-2 reek and file killed ; 1 sergeant, 2 rank and 5k, wounded. 28th Foot-2 rank and file killed; 8 rank and file wounded. 38th Foot-2 ser- geants,. 3 rank and filer sympaded. —44th 1?oot-2 rank and file wousided. 46th Foot-1 sergeant killed ; rrank and file wounded. 47th Foot-1 rank aud file wounded. 515th_Foot-6 rank and file killed; 8 rank and file wounded; 3 rank and file miming. 57th Toot-1 rank and file wounded. -68th Foot-1 rauls and file wounded. 95th Foot-1 sergeant wounded. 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade-1 rank and file ; 7 rank and file wounded. Ambulance-1 rank and file wounded. Total-1 sergeant, 12 rank and file, killed; sergeants, 55 rank and file„ wounded; 3 ranisand file missing.